The services offered included a summer play scheme and mums’ groups. It also set up a toy library in 1988. In 1993 the Trust became Connect. Over the years Connect has provided numerous groups and activities including summer play schemes, support groups, disabled access caravans, an autism support group, pamper sessions and Parent4Parent support. Connect has been influential through providing a Respite Report and SHARP (St Helens Action Research Project) Report to inform the development of integrated services. In 2004 Connect was given the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and in 2006 achieved the Investing in Volunteers Quality Standard. In 2019 Connect extended the Toy Library to become a Toy and Leisure Library.
In 2019, People’s Health Trust invested £19,100 in Connect, using money raised through The Health Lottery in the North West. This money was used to launch a new social project to help children and young people. Connect set up a Junior Social Group for 7 – 11 year olds and extended the Asperger’s Youth Group (11+ years) which aims to build positive relationships and friendships between children and families across the community. Connect’s aim for the future is to remain responsive to the needs of children and their families as they emerge. Connect are always looking for volunteers to join us and help with our groups. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at: [email protected]
Membership to Connect is open, inclusive and free to all children and young people who meet the following criteria:
Membership Form
Follow this link to fill out our membership application form. We look forward to hearing from you!